
Showing posts from July, 2017

Road Deaths with our First Responders

Chief Edward Switalski   This past while I have been paying condolences to our Hero's in the First Responder family who are dying from being struck by vehicles while some on duty helping others and others just going about their day. The latest fatalities are Chief Edward Switalski of Comstock FD lost his life attending an accident and Corrections Officer Cynthia Young of Comal County Texas.     Whilst my heart breaks for these amazing people, their loved ones and agencies, I can't help ask myself why? Is it that we as civilians are careless in our driving? Have we only got tunnel vision or maybe is it that we simply are preoccupied in our own thoughts to notice the flashing lights lighting up the streets around us.   I know it is not solely the publics' fault, although a lot of the time it could be avoided by us , but surely as these brave men and women that come to our aid,  is it not down to us to  give them the same courtesy and be more vigilant to our sur

Where does it all end?

    What can I say?.... I am at a loss for words as to this senseless shooting of a Blue Hero. Just as a city finishes the celebration of it's Independence, Officer Miosotis Familia a beautiful, mother of three children was  gunned down as she sat in her vehicle. The gun man John Bonds was eliminated by NYPD seconds later.   I know many of you have heard this tragic news already but I can't help ask myself why?......Why would someone take the life of this woman who was sitting in her car, head down writing a memo? What goes through the mind of the killer who believed this woman deserved to die?     Regardless of race or occupation a life is a life. I know the war on Law Enforcement is all to real and senseless. The BLM movement tend to speak of  how officers are killing African Americans. Yet I find ironic and disturbing that here is a beautiful African American women just out doing her job to provide for her family has paid with the highest price imaginabl