Road Deaths with our First Responders

Chief Edward Switalski
This past while I have been paying condolences to our Hero's in the First Responder family who are dying from being struck by vehicles while some on duty helping others and others just going about their day. The latest fatalities are Chief Edward Switalski of Comstock FD lost his life attending an accident and Corrections Officer Cynthia Young of Comal County Texas.
 Whilst my heart breaks for these amazing people, their loved ones and agencies, I can't help ask myself why? Is it that we as civilians are careless in our driving? Have we only got tunnel vision or maybe is it that we simply are preoccupied in our own thoughts to notice the flashing lights lighting up the streets around us.
I know it is not solely the publics' fault, although a lot of the time it could be avoided by us , but surely as these brave men and women that come to our aid,  is it not down to us to  give them the same courtesy and be more vigilant to our surroundings.
Not only for the reason that they are First Responders, but that they are our fellow citizens, who live and love just like everyone else. Who have loved ones and families who look forward to seeing them at the end of their shift.  Little ones excited to see their Mom or Dad walk through the door for that first hug at the end of their days work. We need to understand that behind their uniform they are real people who deserve to go home every day safe to their loved ones just as we do.
Corrections Officer Cynthia Young
We as good citizens need to bring attention to Law Enforcement of drink drivers or people driving erratically and dangerously. It is these people who have no regard for themselves or the people around them. It is not just people under the influence of alcohol, drugs or prescription meds, but people who may be upset or angry can to often be as bad as someone driving under the influence.
If you find yourself feeling this way just pull in and take the time to calm down, as those few minutes you take can prevent the carnage we see sadly on a daily basis.
 If you see flashing lights can we not just move to the far lane as we approach on coming incidents. Even taking the simplest of tasks, such as put on your hazard warning lights to warn traffic behind to give them time to slow down. 
 I guess for me I get most affected by these deaths as I personally have felt that very loss, having lost a brother through a drunk driver.  It is horrific and I hate the thoughts of anyone going through that experience which could have been avoided.

State Trooper Frankie Williams
I know First Responders are forever training and so they should be, but, could there be more training when it comes to traffic incidents? I know circumstances are not always ideal as civilians can become confrontational and aggressive in their behaviour toward First Responders which makes things much more dangerous for these guys.
 I know there probably isn't much more that can be done, I just find it so sad to see people who are there to help or to uphold the law to keep us safe on the road only to lose their lives in this way, so tragic.

The statistics for 2017 alone are pretty high in such road fatalities and that's without counting the injured. Police officers alone in the United Sates are up 13% with 26  and 6 for EMS/Fire Fighters deaths to date. So its up to us to step up and be responsible.

Be vigilant of not only your surroundings but also of how we are feeling in ourselves, so that we may drive safe, so we all get to go home to our loved ones.

Be safe out there!!!


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