Where does it all end?

What can I say?.... I am at a loss for words as to this senseless shooting of a Blue Hero. Just as a city finishes the celebration of it's Independence, Officer Miosotis Familia a beautiful, mother of three children was  gunned down as she sat in her vehicle. The gun man John Bonds was eliminated by NYPD seconds later.
I know many of you have heard this tragic news already but I can't help ask myself why?......Why would someone take the life of this woman who was sitting in her car, head down writing a memo?
What goes through the mind of the killer who believed this woman deserved to die?
Regardless of race or occupation a life is a life. I know the war on Law Enforcement is all to real and senseless. The BLM movement tend to speak of  how officers are killing African Americans. Yet I find ironic and disturbing that here is a beautiful African American women just out doing her job to provide for her family has paid with the highest price imaginable.
It is not right to harm any one let alone a Law Enforcement officer. Today three children wake without a mother, a husband without a wife and family and friends with out a loved one. I find it hard to comprehend how people can justify in their own mind how this is a victory to them in their war of hate against the very people who protect their communities.
Something needs to be done. Communities need to come together, they need to try bridge the divide. Rise against this war, by helping those who help us. See something, hear something then please SAY SOMETHING!!
If you see an officer in trouble, help them. See to it that they make it home today, just as they try keep us safe and out of harms way. I think it is the least we can do considering they sacrifice their lives, their family and loved ones happiness to wear the badge that protects us and our families and keep us safe.We are all human, so treat each other how we would like to be treated,
It takes a certain type of person who signs up to be in Law Enforcement. It is a job that most of us dare not do. Stop focusing on the negatives against law enforcement and the hate. In times of 9/11 these officers where seen as hero's by all and a few years on the same officers are being murdered. It makes no sense what so ever, What does make sense is us all communities of all colour and creeds pull together, working together. We can make a difference if we try. Life has purpose and value, it is precious, so lets not take it for granted.  Be safe out there and be kind to one another.
Watch your six and each others!


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